
Archive for October, 2012


Love. What is love?

Twenty years ago, I thought that love could never be if it wasn’t a two-way street. Back then, I lived a lonely world and dreamed of love, craving to be loved. I wrote a lot back then, putting my thoughts on paper, writing my dreams with a pen, and hoping to express what I fantasized about in the middle of the night, lying in bed, when the world is quiet, and you only have your thoughts, an imaginary world where I was loved.

I had failed college. I had failed my parents. I had failed myself. When life seems bleak, you cling to small passions and try to create hope, so you can keep going on with living. I felt we struggle our whole lives wanting love, and if you are lucky, once, you experience love in your lifetime.

I loved no one, and I loved everyone. I knew in my heart that to know love, you had to be loved. Oh, to feel the love of another human being, comforting, warming, caring, reassuring, just knowing you weren’t alone. I WANTED TO BE LOVED.

But, I was wrong; now I know that love isn’t about receiving; love is about giving – giving of yourself, without question, without expecting anything in return, like God.

God loves us without question, without hesitating, without any drama. He just loves us. That is love. True love is what we share with others in our life. Freely giving love feeds our souls.

Comforting our loved ones when they are sad.
Cheering for them when they try.
Forgiving them when they hurt us.
That is love.

Love isn’t something you experience once in your lifetime. Love is something you give every second of every day. Love is not about you; love is about others. Love moves outward towards the world.

Growing older meant somehow losing myself and finding others. I’m just not twenty years older now than I was back then; I’m not alone even though I live alone. I’m not afraid even though I lock my doors at night. I’m not unloved because God loves me, and with God’s love, all things are possible, and even when it seems like the world is crashing down, God’s love comforts me. God’s love teaches me how to love my wife, my children, my mom and dad, my bother and his family, my friends, my coworkers, and everyone in this world, and even if I’m not loved back, I still love because that is what Jesus taught us – to love your God with all your heart and soul and to love His flock with all your heart and soul.

God is love

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